The Boston Harbor Sailing Club was founded in 1974 with a few small, borrowed and owed boats at a time when Boston Harbor and the downtown wharves were a dark shadow of what they are today. New and refurbished buildings replaced old structures, new marinas replaced derelict pilings, and best of all, the clean water we all paid for is here to stay.
Today the Club has 70 boats 23-41 feet in length and two locations – Boston and Westport. Though primarily a membership club and sailing school, all Club services are open to the public. We rent sailboats to visitors and past members and moorings for transient and seasonal use.
The Club looks back with pride to the thousands we have introduced to the sport of sailing, many who have made it a lifetime endeavor, including several members and students who have sailed around the world, or made numerous ocean passages. The company takes pride in knowing we were here at the beginning, the first club in Boston Harbor to making sailing accessible to the public.